Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Swimming and dinner guests

No blog last night as we were busy getting to know our dinner guests. Very civilized. The kids were fed, bathed, toothbrushed and pajamad when K and R arrived, so they  were able to be clean and sweet for half an hour and then be put to bed so we could move on to a nice meal with just four adults and a bottle of wine. Conclusion: we should do this more often, with or without company!

Today the Mancub and I went round to the house of a new aquaintance with two small boys. Result - chaos, noise and sopping wet clothes but 3 fairly happy children. The Mancub particularly liked the slide, water tray, Cosy Coupe car and, joy of joy, an inflatable racing car ball pool. The chocolate cake was good too. I think we'll be back. They are also close enough for us to walk to their house, which is a rare treat here.

Meanwhile Mr B took the landrover for some minor repairs/adjustments but discovered that one of the tyres was badly damaged... looks like another expensive month.

This afternoon I got down to some serious swahili study (while the Mancub napped) having lapsed for a good 6 weeks or so, revising some of the things I have already forgotton... and then when Kitty was out of school we walked over to the Il Boro Safari Lodge and signed up for a month's use of the (outdoor) pool - a whopping £12  for me and free for the kids. A little chilly perhaps, but I shouldn't complain really....


  1. All sounds good to me. Not sure we'll be doing any outdoor swimming any time soon here!

  2. Who'd have thought the kiddy social life would be better in Tanzania than Aberdeen??
