Sunday 23 May 2010

Wet Weekend

Last weekend we went camping. Next weekend we're off camping again, for 5 days this time as it's Kitty's half term. So this weekend we opted for a nice quiet stay at home. Just as well really, as it has rained almost non stop.

So, none of this (newly installed in the garden)
 but lots of rainy day activities.

We did have a couple of visitors. 'Nona' and her Mum came for coffee on saturday, and to collect some luggage.

 And a garden visitor, a Hadada Ibis

Fortunately, the rain mostly held off on friday afternoon as we were at a 3 year old's birthday party in the garden of a cafe. Kitty metamorphosed into a princess while I was busy supplying the Mancub with chocolate chip cookies and myself with white wine (and chocolate chip cookies).

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