We've just enjoyed two fun-filled days and swapped one grandma for a wicked uncle. Christmas started here with a little boy arriving in our room:
Mancub: "Can I watch a DVD?"
Mama B: "Do you know what day it is?"
Mancub: "No..."
Mama B: "It's Christmas day! Do you think Father Christmas has been?"
And that was that! Happily Father Christmas had been (as evidenced by crumbs in the tray, drink and carrot gone - though Kitty was starting talking about setting camera traps for him next year, which might be entertaining...) and stockings were soon being opened on Mama and Daddy's bed.

After breakfast a few more presents were opened from under the tree, which much excitement. Hapily after a couple were opened they had to be played with and a pause allowed us to head for Church where we recruited two others for Christmas lunch, which was very good. Lunch consisted of (somewhat burnt, ooops) red snapper in filo parcels with assorted trimmings (Mama B had even hunted down some nasty parsnips to roast). And Christmas pudding, of course, which it's always good to introduce to Americans. More unwrapping happened at some point too, can't quite remember where... We then enjoyed a lazy afternoon playing with presents and digesting, plus a couple of (rather poor quality, but appreciated none the less!) skype sessions with family elsewhere.
The Mancub loves sticking bits on his jewled box! |
Tasted lovely, of course... |
Boxing Day was a change over day - Wicked Uncle J actually arrived in TZ
on Christmas night at about 11pm, but we left him to the airport lodge
for the night. Meanwhile Grandma packed her bags and we left Boxing Day
morning to collect from the lodge and head on to Maji Moto for the day,
before dropping Grandma back at the airport on the way home again. Much
fun was had by all - a good last/first day I think and the pictures
should tell the story!
Kitty loved swinging on the palms... |
Wicked Uncle J exercised against the current |
Can you see who's jumping on the swing? |
Weee! |
Ready?! |
"again, again" Maybe wait for Daddy to pop up too... |
But it was Kitty's solo swings that surprised us most! |
Mama (eventually) took the leap of doom |
Wicked Uncle seemed uncertain... |
But took the plunge too! |
Splash! |
Oh, and in case you were wondering the Christmas eve party was great fun - I think about 60 came and between them ate a comfortable 70 mince pies and drank 7L of mulled wine. Just as well some brought food with them too!