Thursday 22 October 2009

Wet wildlife

Tropical drizzle has two significant advantages over British grey and dampness that (a) it doesn't go on for ever, and (b) when the sun comes out afterwards, the termites rise giving the local wildlife an opportunity to feast. This morning we woke to cool drizzle but by lunch time the sun was bursting through and this fine Lizard Buzzard had arrived in the garden to mop up the termites as they flew from the hole by his feet. I don't think he stopped to look for Lilly (see yesterday's post) who would, no doubt, be much more normal food. But if he did we didn't spot it.

This afternoon we split directions as I first became an electricity refugee, heading to the nearby Conservation Resource Centre to do some work after my laptop battery died from a morning without power (remember the power rationing?) then came back to relieve Mama of the Mancub so she could take Kitty to the Mama Afrika circus. Apparently, this was incredible and maybe I'll have to go before it moves on, but I'll leave others to tell that tale. Meanwhile the Mancub and I had a mission - to hunt down Kitty's small magnetic cat, sadly left to fend for itself at a cafe the other day. This accomplished we then sat down to a healthy juice drink at a nearby cafe and enjoyed (very much, it has to be said!) watching the monkeys playing on the roof, then on a car roof, and then just a metre or two away from the Mancub. We did eventually tear ourselves away, however, and are very excited to report that we really should have a car all sorted tomorrow, so we can head off some time over the weekend and I'm sure we'll be able to see more monkeys and loads of other things too. Hurrah!

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